Break Free Blog

God, I Want More: Fred’s Story

“We were going through the book of Acts, so of course I was dreaming of changing the world like Peter, Paul, Timothy and Titus.” Fred Johnson, current Break Free missionary in Philly and the leader of our apostolic/pioneering movement, was 17 years old and a counselor...

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An Awakening: Caleb’s Story

“I had heard all the compliments before. ’Cool moves,’ ‘I wish I could do that,’ and ‘You should be in a video!’” As a dancer, Caleb appreciated the compliments. But they were always centered on him. Then it all changed. After performing a dance in church, someone...

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Edi’s Story

You are bringing the gospel to Buenos Aires and changing generations! "You don't realize the lives you are blessing. My daughters will never be the same!" Edi and his wife Marielis felt called by God to reach the Hip-Hop community. So unified in this call, they moved...

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Discipleship is a Birthright: Geovanni’s Story

“I never thought breakdancing would change the course of my life. But your generosity invaded my East Dallas life in the form of Break Free!” Geovanni’s dad left his family in Mexico to go to Texas when Geovanni was one. “In those early years, I would talk to my dad...

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A Story of Hope

I remember the day my life was divided into “before” and “after.” Growing up in Borshagovka, Ukraine, living with eight relatives in a three-bedroom house was difficult. Showing signs of mental illness, my brother made us live in fear. No personal space, fights and...

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The Family Session

"No one really knows me. I feel lonely most the time." Late that night, driving home from a practice session with a Chicago bboy, I was reminded of how important connection is. This bboy, like many we work with, was in multiple crews. He would be surrounded by other...

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The Security of the Gospel – Drift’s Story

From one phone call, everything changed. My life had been marked by insecurity. Relationships, identity and possessions never seemed to bring security. I grew up living with my mom and her siblings. A positive to this was my uncle taking me to church from the ages of...

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From Lost to Son – Alex’s Story

Where's Daddy? This was the question I asked my mom everyday. I grew up in Bolivia in a family where my dad was never home. When he was home, I remember hearing the fighting. The story was always the same, my dad was out working all day and came home drunk. I have...

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The Freedom of Grace

I was living a life full of lies, theft, hypocrisy and stubbornness. My family life was unstable with my father gone and my mother often absent and troubled due to difficult life circumstances. I was 15 when I was first introduced to breakdancing. I was drawn to it as...

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Calling Found in Community

My two sisters and I were sitting inside a police car about to be put into foster care. In that moment, all I could think to do was pray. It was the summer of my sophomore year of high school and as hard as this was, I was about to meet God in a very powerful way. My...

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A Story of Hope

I remember the day my life was divided into “before” and “after.” Growing up in Borshagovka, Ukraine, living with eight relatives in a three-bedroom house was difficult. Showing signs of mental illness, my brother made us live in fear. No personal space, fights and...

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The Start of Break Free: Michael’s Story

It was in a YMCA in Melbourne, Australia that God changed the direction of Michael’s life and birthed a ministry that would reach many across the globe using a unique art form: Break dancing. Michael learned break dancing as a hobby while a college student. In...

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Hiding from a Father

He didn't start with, "Will you help me hide my weed?" His first question was, "Can you come to my place after practice and help me move a few things?" Later, after I asked him what we needed to move (We just practiced, I didn't want to move a sofa bed!), he told me...

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Skillz East Africa Cypher Qualifier

Written by Joseph Omondi (bboy Drift) First of all, I want to thank God for the journey mercies I experienced during the trip. It was a good trip and a learning experience for me. I have taken many trips to Uganda, but this time I went with more of a mind set to...

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Great Hearts Community

Here’s an easy, additional way to support Break Free at NO COST to you. It takes literally just one minute (we timed it) to sign in and GIVE to Break Free. Register here: Great Hearts Community Click the SIGNUP button in the upper right corner and enter an email and...

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Break Free Value: Local Leadership

There is a growing recognition in global missions that leadership from a given local community is needed for a healthy local church. The Lausanne Movement, a group of 150 nations and leaders who are passionately pursuing world missions, says: "We also acknowledge that...

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Starting a New Chapter

In light of our vision of fully investing in 12 city centers in the next 25 years, this is how our presence in a city center can start and grow.  The Individual The process of starting a new chapter usually starts with an individual bboy. This could be a Christian...

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