Nate has found a home in the community of Break Free.

My two sisters and I were sitting inside a police car about to be put into foster care. In that moment, all I could think to do was pray. It was the summer of my sophomore year of high school and as hard as this was, I was about to meet God in a very powerful way.

My family was being torn apart by a very tough divorce. Being a teenager, I got out of the house anyway I could. I occupied my time with hangouts, sleepovers, sports and art. It was in this chaos that I also started to breakdance and get involved in a local church group. The group authentically showed me what it meant to live for Jesus, how to talk to God, and how the Holy Spirit works and moves within us. We hit our lowest point that night when my sisters and I were taken into a police car and temporarily put in foster care. I felt powerless to be able to change it. But having learned that God was loving and present in our lives, I prayed the prayer that would change my life forever. I simply said, “Lord, I don’t know what’s going to happen next, but I trust you.”

Immediately I felt the Holy Spirit for the first time. God had heard my prayer! It was then that I knew God was real, and I fully dedicated my life to serve him. I became an active leader and member of my local youth group. God also showed me how powerful my gift of dance could be for the Gospel. After I graduated high school, I took a trip to Europe to compete in some of the largest breaking battles in the world. Almost effortlessly I was able to connect, share, and pray for other dancers since we all had a common bond through Hip-Hop. I could also relate with how many came from hard family backgrounds. I fell in love with the Hip-Hop Community and I knew God had built me to be bring the gospel to them.

Though I felt called to this community, I didn’t know where to start. I was living in Minneapolis for college and I knew there was a lot of opportunity for ministry. Eventually I found and became active in the local Hip-Hop Community by going to practices. I also started to help host events through a local church. I felt so excited to be dancing and involved but I still felt very alone as I was typically the only Christian in the group.

I desired a community, not based on the dance, but based on love for God and a passion for His Kingdom. Then, on an outreach trip to Chicago in 2015, I met Michael. Hearing about Break Free and their vision, I knew this was an answer to prayer. I joined Break Free later that year. Since then the Lord has taken me to 9 different countries and has equipped me to be a leader in my family, my local Hip Hop community, and my church in Minneapolis.

As I continue to serve in Break Free my goal is to be a full-time missionary in Minneapolis/St. Paul. I have seen God restore my family, healing the wounds that we went through that awful summer, and I want others who are going through similar experiences to know this life-changing God!