“We were going through the book of Acts, so of course I was dreaming of changing the world like Peter, Paul, Timothy and Titus.”

Fred Johnson, current Break Free missionary in Philly and the leader of our apostolic/pioneering movement, was 17 years old and a counselor at a summer camp.

“These passages in Acts fired me up. I needed to go on a prayer walk.” This walk was not a peaceful stroll, but a desperate plea for God to use him.

“I read in the pages of Scripture that God constantly used messed up people. Why not me?”

This desire wasn’t new for Fred. Growing up with parents who had immigrated from Liberia, Fred was in the church 4-5 days a week. He trusted Christ at the age of 13.

“After church, I went home and told my dad I wanted to accept Christ as my savior. My dad was happy, and that made me feel good because, up until that point, I had no real emotional or relational attachment to him.”

During a difficult season when his parents got divorced, Fred fell in love with God’s word. God also confirmed his call to missions. Fred’s apostolic gifting to pioneer new movements was set on fire.

Fred started a Christian club at his high school in New Jersey.

Not only that, Fred discipled two other students in his youth group who were at the other major high schools in his city.

He encouraged them to start their own clubs, and when they did, he would regularly go encourage and help their groups.

But the challenges would come.

“I set up a big basketball outreach tournament at my school. A LOT of people came. I had a Young Life minister share the gospel.

Two weeks later, Fred was in the office at his church getting chided for not inviting his own pastor to share at the event.

Another time he hosted a prayer and worship gathering at his school. Wanting to help unify the churches in his area and encourage his school, not one church showed up.

“I kept getting resistance from the institution of the church. I often felt hindered in my gifting, not encouraged or helped.”

But Fred’s apostolic passion for the advancement of God’s kingdom continued.

Joining YWAM after his freshman year of college, Fred found himself ministering in Panama, Mexico, Guatemala, and for a decade in Argentina.

“Those were the years when God specifically laid on my heart to do missions in the Hip-Hop community. I always loved dance, but now I saw a global opportunity to do missions in the Hip-Hop community.”

Fred continued to grow in his pioneering efforts, making new disciples and seeing movement in the growth of the church.

Many of the disciples Fred made in that time are currently serving with Break Free!

Coming back from Argentina, circumstances led Fred to Philadelphia. Over time, God gave Fred a passion for this city.

“It wasn’t my plan to end up here, but God knew. I have grown to love this city, weeping and working for these men and the brokenness here!”

Fred has faithfully served in Philly for 3 years. He connected with Break Free in 2021 and becoming a missionary in 2022.

Walking in his gifting, Fred has formed a Break Free team in Philly. He has also birthed the Family Session and Gospel Camp, as well as leading the pioneering vision of Break Free.

Through all his experiences, good and bad, Fred said he has learned one thing. “The key to succesful missions is dependence on Him!”